
Red and Blue Chairs

The Rise of the Secret Trump Voter: Out of the Shadows and Into the Spotlight

The silent Trump voters, long ridiculed and underestimated, have stepped into the light following a historic landslide win in 2024. Once mocked as “deplorables” or “garbage,” these Americans are now proudly wearing MAGA hats, flying Trump flags, and celebrating their shared triumph. No longer cowed by cancel culture, they’re emboldened by strength in numbers and a renewed sense of hope, proving that conservative values are alive, thriving, and ready to take America forward.

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Depicting mental health with flowers coming out of the mind

Why Conservatives Are Healthier Than Liberals

Psychological studies indicate conservatives are happier than liberals due to several factors, including a stronger sense of personal responsibility, more optimism about their future, and greater life satisfaction. Conservatives often find comfort in tradition, community, and religious faith, contributing to their overall happiness.

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Angry environmentalist

Plastics Greenhouse Gases

Ah, plastic: the villain du jour of environmentalists worldwide. The rallying cry to ban plastic bags, straws, and even plastic forks grows louder every day, fueled by a seemingly endless loop of activist documentaries, alarming news headlines, and doomsday predictions from NGOs and government entities. This is all despite the fact that US plastics make up a tiny, miniscule of the waste emitted by third world nations across the globe.

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Depiction of an idiot that only criticizes

Liberals: The Critics in the Wings.

The entrepreneurial dominance of conservatives doesn’t just create wealth—it creates resentment. Deep down, many liberals understand the truth: conservatives hold the keys to America’s economic engine. They build the businesses, take the risks, and reap the rewards, while liberals, often unwilling to embrace the uncertainties of entrepreneurship, find themselves as employees within systems shaped by conservative hands. This knowledge is a bitter pill to swallow, and envy has begun to take root. I am talking about entrepreneurship and not solo-preneurship.

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Yale University AI Depiction

Yale Needs to Stop Accepting Republican Students

This article critiques Yale’s treatment of conservative students and the dangers of political exclusion in academia. By attempting to suppress Republican students’ voices at the University, Yale risks narrowing its intellectual scope and undermining the free exchange of ideas that is essential to a well-rounded education. Stereotypes about conservatives ignore the diversity within the Republican Party, emphasizing that true educational environments should foster understanding across the political spectrum rather than promoting ideological homogeneity.

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Electric hand dryer

Electric Hand Dryers and Climate Change

Electric hand dryers are often touted as a green alternative to paper towels in public restrooms. However, they may not be as eco-friendly as believed. Statistics show hand dryers can spread bacteria and use significant energy, challenging their reputation as a superior green choice to paper towels.

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Sarcastic crying donkey

How the Democratic Machine Screwed Up the Democratic Party

When keeping it “woke” goes all kinds of wrong liberals start pointing fingers in every direction except the right one. They had one job, really. Just one. Persuade Americans that they had their best interests in mind, and that by “best interests” they meant economic stability, national security, and—you know—keeping the lights on.

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