Success and Conservative Quotes

and wisdom to ponder

If it costs you peace of mind it’s too expensive. ~Paulo Coelho

I would never join a party whose logo is an ass.

This world is divided into two groups of people, unhappy people who judge others and happy people don’t care. 

Public criticism is just a price you pay for doing something different. This is why most on the left play it safe.

No one Made millions by panicking. The masses panic. We are wired to avoid risk to stay alive.

“Later” is for losers.

People hate in others what they lack in themselves.

Your life is cheap because you believe investing in yourself is expensive.

Being stupid is a choice.

Criticism is the cost of entry. Most people are not willing to take it.

The world rewards action, not potential.

While people postpone life speeds by.

Growth for the sake of growth is the ideology of the cancer cell.  ~Edward Abbey

Little cues as I exited the public restroom… any society that has instructions on how to wash your hands is in trouble.

We have more regulators than we have delivery boys.

Gen Z is realizing something critical. 1.7 trillion in debt on the book on student loans. 10 M positions that don’t require a degree. We’re lending money well never have to kids who will never pay it back to train them for jobs that don’t exist anymore. We’ve been doing stupid degrees for 45 years because we keep spreading the myths about higher education.

The only IQ test in life is if you get what you want in life.

Why doesn’t academia and higher ed teach business and to make money? because the core values of academics is in degrees and not building wealth

Show me your friends, and I will show you your future

Why join a party where their mascot is a donkey? Would that really make you proud? An elephant portrays strength and intelligence. Far classier.

The world is stuck with people always in the planning stage

Learn to speak without saying a word.

Some people try to change the rules to accommodate their negative reality. They prefer to change the rules rather than to win.

Don’t confuse movement with progress.

More people die from being overweight than from starving.

Every obstacle separates winners from pretenders.

Your vibe attracts your tribe.

Ego is false confidence. Self respect is true confidence.

A ship is safe at harbor. But that’s not what ships are for.

If you live in a room filled with shit, it’s a matter of time you no longer can smell it. That’s what’s happening to most people.

Forgive but do not forget.

Avoid the proletariat.

Nobody learned anything by hearing themselves speak.

All growth starts outside of your comfort zone.

Don’t compare your first chapter with the final of someone else.

Who cares who’s winning or losing if you’re just standing on the sidelines.

Inflation ends democracies as people vote for money.

Average people have dreams and desires.  Rich people have goals and plans.

Put a clown on the throne and the entire nation becomes a circus.

People who create wealth are attacked by people trying to create status.  (Think hard on this one.)

Convenience is a trap.

If it’s easy, it’s not work.  It’s like winking at a girl in the dark.

Human propensity to gamble is huge.

Gambling is a tax on ignorance and the poor.

Government is not here for your own good.  If they were, they would not have gambling.

People in glass houses don’t throw stones.

Some people never live.  They’re just alive until they die.

We have too many attorneys who do not get the relationship.

It’s fine to miss a meal “but don’t miss your reading.”

There’s the pain of discipline or there’s the pain of regret. Discipline weighs ounces, regret weighs tons.

Nothing truly great happens in your comfort zone.

Failure is temporary. Regret is permanent.

Ordinary people love entertainment. Extra ordinary people love education.

In life you’re always trading with the future.

The best weapon is the one you never have to fire. ~Eleanor Roosevelt

Before I was clever, I wanted to change the world.  Today I’m wise, I’m changing myself.

As you get older you become the person you should have always been. ~David Bowie

Money doesn’t buy happiness but it let’s you enjoy the things you have.

Poor people stay poor because they’re trying to look rich.

Poverty screams.  Wealth whispers.

The difference between the rich and the wealthy is that the rich need to impress and the wealthy need to be impressed.

You don’t get participation awards for Showing up at work (Forbes)

Participation trophies do not work.  If there’s no motivation to be number one, an organization remains mediocre.  The need to compete is critical. The more you think of yourself as the fragile sensitive snowflake or an emotional hemophiliac there’s more likely an avalanche of disappointment coming against you.

Without vision, all you have is the present.  And the present soon becomes the past.

Surviving doesn’t make you a winner.  It makes you a cockroach.

Staying poor is a choice

Those on the left believe life is a zero sum game.

Don’t try to win.   Fix the problem.

Only those who attempt the absurd, can achieve the impossible.

Three great forces rule the world… stupidity,  fear, and greed.

Weak people revenge.  Strong people forgive. Intelligent people ignore.

If times get hard, take a rest.  Never quit.

Put your house in order before you criticize the world.

Oscar Wilde articulated cleverly when he pointed out that work is the curse of the drinking class.

Don’t spend earned income.

Religion is for people who fear hell, spirituality is for people who have been there. ~David Bowie

It’s better to be a warrior in a garden than a Gardner in a war.

When you have something to say, silence is a lie. ~Jordan Peterson

Dialogue is the pathway to truth. ~Jordan Peterson

The truth is something that burns, it burns off deadwood and people don’t like having their deadwood burnt off often because they’re 95% deadwood. ~Jordan Peterson

As a truism, it’s a laudable and correct sentiment that no reasonable person can find fault with. But that’s the problem: No reasonable person disagrees with it. There’s nothing wrong with saying it, but it’s not an argument — it’s an uncontroversial declarative statement. And yet people say it as if it settles arguments. It doesn’t do anything of the sort. The hard thinking comes when you have to deal with the “and therefore what?” part. Where do we draw the lines? If it were an absolute principle, we wouldn’t put anyone in prison, lest we punish an innocent in the process. Indeed, if punishing the innocent is so terrible, why 10? Why not two? Or, for that matter, 200? Or 2,000?

The people uttering them are not trying to have an argument. They’re trying to win an argument without having it at all.

You can tell much about a man’s character by the amount of truth he can tolerate.

Emotional hemophiliac.  Smallest thing makes them bleed.

If you protect everyone from what’s dull or sharp you make them stupid.

People don’t want to be hired because they filled a quota.  They want to be respected because they qualify.

You can’t be more offended than the victim.

Read to learn you become a fool.  Read to action makes you a genius and success.

Hurt me with the truth.  Don’t comfort me with a lie.

If you hate, then you have been defeated.

We accept advice in drops but distribute it in buckets.

You can’t trust a man who has nothing to lose.

An enemy is a friend who knows too much about you.

I can not give you a formula for success. But I can give you a formula for failure… try to please everybody all the time.

A clever person solves the problem.  A wise person avoids it.

If you don’t know which port you’re going to, no wind is favorable.

Time is a created thing.  When you say I don’t have time, that means you don’t want to.

Everything depends on upbringing.  Tolstoy

Hardball habits. Showing up ahead of time.

When a mouse laughs at a cat, there’s a hole nearby.

Social media is putting your mental happiness into the hands of others

When there is something in your way that’s the way

Those who can tolerate pain the most the ones with the most endurance give themselves the highest chance of winning.

Once I realized what drove me, I didn’t need an alarm clock

When you study the most important person which is you. you will begin to learn how to conquer the most important person who is holding you back — which is you.

The last thing most people want is a kid who’s a risk taker when their focus is on survival.

Looking in the mirror can be painful at times.

Success is not created in a vacuum.

The role of government is to equalize everyone.

Are you getting any guidance or all you have is a package pushed on you.

We are turning into a sad society with happy pictures.

Facebook is a medium where people hand their happiness into the hands of others.

Apologizing too much is a common sign of low self esteem.

I could not live another day with my destiny in the hands of others.

Having more money, gives you more choices. More choices mean freedom. When you have freedom, you have more happiness.

Once you realize what drives you, you will not need an alarm clock

I viewed the desire for growth as graduating to your next why.

Sometimes you need to poke people to make them successful.